The Difference Between Botox & Filler?



Botox (an injectable brand of neurotoxin)) and injectable “dermal fillers” are two injected products which are used cosmetically to minimize some of the signs of aging. 

While dermal fillers are almost exclusively utilized for cosmetic reasons, Botox (and the 3 other brands neurotoxin injections), are also used for some medical (non-cosmetic) conditions. 

While many associate Botox (and other brands of neurotoxin), and fillers as similar products (also associated multiple brand names), these treatments address different cosmetic concerns and work very differently.


What is “BOTOX” and how does it work? 

Botox is the first brand of purified botulinum toxin (botulinum toxin Type A). In the cosmetic world,  “Botox” and the 3 brands are marketed and utilized to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. The (neurotoxin) is also called a neuromodulator. After injecting a neuromodulator, nerve signals to the muscles are blocked in a small area of the face and forehead. The targeted muscle is temporarily “frozen” which lessens or “softens” the wrinkles. 

While the Botox brand of neuromodulator (neurotoxin), is presently the most well known brand, three other purified brands of neuromodulators – Dysport, Xeomin, and recently Jeuveau, are presently widely used, and may offer few advantages over the Botox brand. 

When you think of Botox (brand), think of the KLEENEX brand of facial tissue. Other brands including “PUFFS” and “SCOTTIES” are not generally considered inferior to the heavily marketed brand of “Kleenex” facial tissue. The “Puffs” brand for example, may offer the advantage of  feeling softer on the skin because of the added “lotion” to this brand of facial tissue.


OK, now what is a “Dermal Filler” ?

Dermal fillers, sometimes called soft tissue fillers or facial fillers, are made from hyaluronic acid. The thick liquid is injected beneath the surface of the skin which increases fullness and is associated with increased collagen production. 


What exactly do Dermal Fillers do?

The use of hyaluronic acid and similar substances in the dermal fillers, “fill in” or “plump areas on the face that have lost volume and smoothness. Loss of collagen and subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat tissue which is lost in the face due to increased age), is replaced with the addition of dermal fillers. Injecting a dermal filler into the cheeks reduces the sunken appearance as the dermal filler “plumps up” the cheek. Lips are enhanced also with a softer type of dermal filler.


Where on the face are the Dermal Fillers used ?

Dermal fillers used around the mouth, chin, and cheeks. They are used to plump up thinner lips, or enhance the appearance of fuller lips.


Temporary side effects (unwanted effects) of fillers may include: 

An allergic reaction, local bruising, infection, swelling, irregularity of skin surface (bumpiness), minimal bleeding, and temporary discomfort.


If interested in more information regarding Botox & Fillers, please call our office.

Albert Luongo, MS, PA, MBA, DMSc

Luongo Medical Care (LMC) 90 Morgan Street #203, Stamford, CT 06905, 203-461-4767

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